Our Vision Explained

‘Let your light shine.’ - Matthew 5:16 


Each member of our school community is a ‘lamp’ that can shine out into our school, their home, community and the wider world. Our school is the ‘town on a hill’ in our community; through all we do, we strive to act as a beacon of hope, help and support to whoever may need it.

We are all God’s children who are unique and special. We celebrate the diversity of our children and adults and encourage their God given talents and personalities, which we nurture so that each of us can become the best person that God intended us to be. We want to encourage our children to aspire to great things and for the light of their lives to shine and make a difference in their classrooms, throughout the school and when they return home and into their community.


We believe that developing a sense of self-worth is of paramount importance. Jesus said, "I am the light of the world" (John 8:12). As he spoke to those around him during the Sermon on the Mount, he also said “you are the light of the world”. In addition to letting their light shine on others, we want our children to recognise the value of their own light: to be proud of their personal achievements; to value and respect themselves; and to know how loved they are both by God and by others. In conclusion, the Sermon on the Mount reminds us that a light should not be put under a bowl – it should give light to everyone, including oneself. So, once in possession of God’s light and love, it is possible for all of us to show something of His light in our families, in our school, in our community and throughout the world.